PRISMA – Claretian Project Management Training Platform
A Claretian training platform for Project Management and Sustainable Development in both Onsite and Online formats. We work with Claretianum, the Institute of Theology of Consecrated Life in Rome affiliated to the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome.

PRISMA is the Italian Word for PRISM. The three-dimensional PRISM
separates white light into the seven colours of a rainbow. For us it
signifies the understanding of the multidimensional reality of Truth. We
believe that the Triune God has a plan for this world which is
sustainable. We endeavour to discover the layers of this reality and
disseminate them through our training.
The two-dimensional vision of the PRISM is the Triangle, which has three
corners. They signify those three areas where knowledge dissemination
is carried on by us namely sustainable development, project
management and fundraising.

Project Management and
Fundraising Trainings – PMF
Many Congregations experience today a bottle neck situation, of drying of traditional sources and emergence of new mission territories demanding financial resources. Responses are not easily available. Another phenomenon is the fast-evolving philanthropic landscape triggered by technological advances and discerning donors. Congregational leaders and Bishops are overwhelmed by these situations and there is a genuine search for credible answers. The Project Management and Fundraising Training is one of the responses to this situation. It brings together experts from Catholic donor agencies, development consultants, practioners of religious congregations, dioceses and laity to explore together a viable solution that can be replicated across the world in Catholic development practice.
Catholic Development Practice
I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security exclaimed Pope Francis. His call to be a Church nearer to those who undergo hardship is accomplished all over the world by Catholic social workers. They belong to Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) such as Diocesan Social Service Societies, development organs of Religious Congregations and civil organizations set up by laity, inspired by their Faith. Following the Catholic Social Teaching (CST), these faith-based development practioners see today a new parallel evolving in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thousands of these Catholic Organizations engaging in development practice all over the world are also looking for contemporary theories and practice guidelines.

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